Critical Care At Home And The Benefits

Complete Personalized Patient Care
In a hospital, a nurse attends to 3-4 patients at a time whereas if there's a Critical Care - ICU type facility at home, you will get a critical care nurse at home, who'll only be devoted to the patient 24/7.
Cost Saving And That's Make A Huge Difference In Expenses
The average cost of a Critical Care - ICU type facility per day can fall anywhere between Rs 24,000 to Rs 32,000 but a fully functional ICU setup with portable devices and equipments at home will cost you around 8,000 to 12,500 to 15,000/- per day, depending upon the equipments and devices required/used. When the patients need a longer duration and support of these devices in a hospital facility, the difference in cost is very huge.
Home Environment – Home Is Where We Are!
Research says It's has been found the patients tend to recover faster when they are put in the comfort of their home seeing the loved ones.
Visiting And Seeing Your Loved Ones - Happiness And Satisfaction
Normally all hospitals restrict the relatives and bystander's visit to the ICU to two numbers at two times a day. Whereas, at home, you can be near them all the time to personally monitor their caretaking. We also advice people have some kind of, say, fever, cold and cough etc to avoid seeing the patients.